
Thank you for your comment and you’re willingness to read through this collection of evidence a third time. There’s a lot in there.

I’m still trying to figure out what Jonathan Singer meant by BIPOC. Perhaps the B stands for bat shit crazy. Perhaps he’s claiming in insanity defense for behavior that is not silly because it involved misuse of ill-gotten public funds.

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My stint at affective disorders only lasted a short while, I got a job at a different type of psychiatric clinic, but what I saw amplifies what I knew from literature: to paraphrase St Paul, in self-deletion-related mood disorders there is no man or woman, gentile or Jew.

To meet with a deeply depressed or severely anxious person as a representative of a class sounds exactly like the sort of thing you would do if you wanted them to go and finish the job.

Telling someone who already feels guilty for using up oxygen that they are personally responsible for bad events wholly out of their control and that, simultaneously, they have no agency over even their own despicable feelings and actions towards people of different ethnicity should be a firing offence for mental health professionals.

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I've just read this for the third time and all I can do is shake my head. How do these people get away with it? They're gross, and they're clearly batshit.

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